Monday, January 26, 2009


Happy Chinese New years first off. I had an eventful day I guess considering I went shopping and semi-mini splurged. On the downside, I was completely unproductive. No homework no nothing. I don't remember much but tofu house, pastries, some more tofu house, boba, dim sum..and hmm..oh lunch at the family party. To top it off, I think I have some sort of fever. My head was spinning at church and I had to leave early and go to Thanh's house to pop 2 advils and pass out.

I drove home and am in sd now. In the car ride home I made some new years resolutions for Chinese New year because I pretty much failed at keeping the American ones.

Spend less money; especially stop going to Target with no purpose because I buy things for fun

Stop eating after 9pm

Get a good lookin' g.p.a.

Set priorities straight with work school family friends

Sleep earlier

When in OC, stay at home more

Be appreciative of Klunkers

Write blog daily to express and relieve my mind of its cloudy thoughts

Ok so i guess chinese new yrs is my last chance to redeem myself.
Alrighty, 'till next time folks.

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